Indonesian – Trabas Manado Boulevard | Hard Enduro Joss

This Indonesian Enduro is out of this world!
Or so we think its Indonesia, we started googling names and it landed us here!

Nothing like a small village coming together to watch a bunch of yahoos on dirt bikes rip through the forests and creature infested rivers all for some little trophy! This amazing looking race is on the other side of the globe yet has one of the most enthusiastic and dedicated following of riders racing on whatever bike, moped and the like they can find. Check it out for what the true love of the sport and Enduro Looks like.

This is the translation we got from the Youtube!
“Trabas is commendable for the villagers because it is welcomed by the city community. And, this is the first time trabas on the outskirts of the city, but I’m sorry a little clip is displayed for the city highway. More fun when looking at the surrounding community who may help and smile when they see many trail bikes that pass the challenge.”

Check out Yakusa Kawatak on:



Trabas yang terpuji buat orang-orang kampung karena disambut baik oleh masyarakat kota. Anw, ini pertama kalinya trabas di pinggiran kota, tapi mohon maaf sedikit klip yang ditampilkan untuk jalan raya kota. Lebih menyenangkan ketika melihat masyarakat sekitar yang boleh ikut membantu dan tersenyum saat melihat banyak motor trail yang melewati tantangan.

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