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2016 Rocks and Logs LIVE

This is the fourth edition of Canada's only urban endurocross featuring the biggest and most challenging track yet. SCHEDULE: 11:10AM MST - Dash4Cash (PRO) 12:00PM MST - SEMI & FINAL (BEGINNER, INTER, 30+, 40+) 2:35PM MST -…

Graham Jarvis & Colton Haker Documentary

Life has many paths. Which line will you take? Is it worth making sacrifices to become a world-class professional rider, or is it better to ride motorcycles for pure enjoyment? Riders like Graham Jarvis and Colton Haaker give their…

2016 Super Enduro Final, Haaker Versus Webb

2016 was a year of changes and surprises, Colton Haaker was battling Super Enduro with Cody Webb and the final race of the year would determine a champion. Super Enduro is Europes answer to The Western worlds Supercross, and man is it…

2 stroke or 4 stroke?

Check out Megan Griffiths Youtube Channel to help decide on a way to select a 4 stroke or a 2 stroke. Megan out of Kelowna BC Canada will chat with you about her pros and cons of both machines and how to make the right decision for your…

How to Wheelie

Check out Megan Griffiths an offroad rider from Kelowna BC Canada on her style and skills on how to get it up! Sometimes you girls will need to get the front end up to avoid obstacles or clear them properly, some rooty sections or just a…

Graham Jarvis Training School In Canada

WAYYYYY back in 2011 Was the XTINCTION, Run by the Corner Grass race Team, Top Competitors from Across the Globe Shows with riders such as Graham Jarvis, Kyle Redmond, Mike Brown After the Mayhem of the Hard Enduro was the Graham Jarvis…