RIDER PROFILE – Courtney Schmale

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Absolute Fitness Red Deer
We are very excited to feature athlete Courtney Schmale who has been training very hard with us here at Absolute Fitness for the past year and absolutely killing it at her sport of choice: Enduro Racing.

Badass, right!

We interviewed Courtney to find out more about her fitness journey since joining us and we were so inspired!

Check it out!

Q: Were there any obstacles that made you nervous about joining Absolute Fitness?

A: I was so excited to join and not nervous at all. I wanted to make my life better and was ready to take on the most challenging workouts. Fear of failure did not scare me, instead it pushed me to be able to accomplish things I never thought I could.

Q: What made you decide to join Absolute Fitness and how do you feel about training here?

A: My sister Stephanie (who is a martial arts athlete that also trains with us) introduced me to Absolute

 Fitness. I couldn’t be more happy to have spent the last year training here.

Q: Can you list your training achievements thus far?

A: Improved strength, muscle definition, confidence, increased mobility, and even increased mental awareness.

Q: Has the quality of your life improved since working with us?

A: Yes! 100% Since joining Absolute, I have a new outlook on life. Training here has made the unthinking POSSIBLE for me! I value myself more now and realize that nothing comes easy. If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.

Q: Have your relationships with friends and family changed? Do you see yourself differently in the mirror?

A: Yes! After coming out of a divorce, my self-esteem and relationships with friends and family were very low. I have since made new goals in life that have boosted my spirits tremendously. My family and friends see me as a much happier and healthier person than I’ve ever been. Now, I can wake up and love the person I see every day. 

Q: What do you like most about working with us?

A: I love that nothing is ever easy (in a good way). I am always being tested and pushed to meet my next goal. I love how caring and knowledgeable everyone at Absolute is. I love how passionate all the staff is towards all the athletes who attend classes. All they want is to see us succeed and become better than we were yesterday. I love how I can set a goal and know that the help is there for me to reach it.

Q: If you were to refer a friend to us, what would you tell them?

A: I would tell them that if they were to come here, it will change you both physically and mentally. You will learn so many more proper techniques to benefit your sport. I would tell them that not only will you be in the best shape of your life, you better be ready to feel and look like a brand new person!

Q: Can you think of anything else that you would like to add?

A: I am so thankful to have met some amazing people and to train and work hard with everyone because we are all training for something and trying to reach our goals. I am honestly so happy to have the best facility to train at. Every class I’ve attended has changed my life so much! I feel amazing and I love myself more than I ever have. My goals to become stronger and happier have become real! I’ve also been able to take my dirtbiking and racing to
the next level. From last season to now, I’ve made some amazing achievements. I can’t wait to see how many more goals I can crush this year. All the blood, sweat, and tears whether in the gym, or on my bike have been worth it. It’s all come together with time, dedication and all the energy I’ve put into it. Biking is my life and I have to thank Absolute again and again for helping me and showing me the road to becoming a better athlete. All the training has helped me more than you know! #TeamAbsolute#BRAAP

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